Join us for the launching event of

Portfolio Management Service

(SEBI Registration No: INP000008598)
On Saturday, 11th May, 2024
Time: 7.00 to 9.00 PM (Followed By Dinner)
Venue: Crown Plaza, Ahmedabad
Join Now!

It's out pleasure to have a chance to cooperate.


    Investment Strategy

      We give option to investors to get benefit of both strategies on their investment i.e

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    Future of SME & Microcap Sector in India

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    Why Choose Us?

    Team of Experts

    Ms. Kresha Gupta
    AIF Fund Manager & Investment Committee
    Mr. Ankush Kumar Jain
    AIF Fund Manager & Investment Committee
    Mr. Yash Ashok Bhanushali
    Fund Manager PMS
    Ms. Sonali Dama
    Equity Research

    You're shaping the future of India; we're shaping yours.